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8. The Gang Stalking 2020


Updated: Jul 6, 2024

With The covid shut down came Gang Stalking. Like I said it was Mar 14, 2020, my event was cancelled at midnight, the casino closing early, and my daughter calling with concerns at the apartment.

I was awoken around 8 a.m. with people's voices and the sounds of Rick Smiley in the morning in my head this is a radio show on the F.M. Radio. This what is known as the Awakening because it is a terror having people speaking to you without any control over it and once you know it's possible there is no going back because you have no control over it.

This is known as V2K or "Voice to Cranium" and is part of The Program. I am immediately remined of the attacks in Walter's jail but now I'm in my bedroom and all I can think of is the safety of my daughter.

I can tell there is energy coming from the air conditioner vents in the ceiling probably just because they were aluminum, and the source is upstairs most likely the people that moved in last night. I can only imagine what is happening to my daughter, so I began taking notes and watching these perpetrators.

I am a marine that is well trained in the terrorist activities. I was wondering if this was connected to the Industry or Dusty Phillips in OKC. I was forced to hear these people make accusations and they claimed, "This was a HIT".

This immediately put me on the defense, and they later claimed to be D.E.A agents and I initially believed them considering all the C.I.A. activity with Dusty.

I had told Liz about the V2K and the attacks from upstairs and she was not allowed to help me because her mom was connected to the attacks. She would eventually come to visit and said that "she doesn't know what they want

and thought it would stop soon." She knew exactly what was happening.

Mar 20, 2020, it was this weekend that I took my daughter to okc because I didn't want to leave her at home with no help from Liz and the perps upstairs. I had been using Dusty's car to travel back and forth to Oklahoma City.

I told Dusty first thing that I had people upstairs and I was V2k, and this is when I noticed he had already been knowing as his passwords were written on paper face down so he could tell people without saying and out of sight for Remote Viewing.

He then put on a new hat that said, "Fuck up D.P. 's day" and I knew it was on.

We went to Senior Shots to finish work, and this is when Dusty made threats of bringing me a .45 Cal pistol "to kill myself" and the combined V2K telling me to "hang myself because I was burned "

He and the perps from Senior Shots took me into the empty area where they were going to expand the club as the threats continued, they were smiling to my face because they thought it was funny.

These are OKC Perps connected to Subsonix, Senior Shots, and Farmers Market.

After this one large Mexican guy came in the back door and said he said, "he would write a fat check to make this all go away" and this was when I left the job half done with wires hanging and took my daughter.

I immediately left OKC and never returned and cut all tie with Dusty Phillips even though he continued to watch my feed and make comments.

When leaving I seen the large man had driven an undercover SUV parked in the street at the back door and in front of the police department a man in the black charger pointed gun fingers at me. I later seen this charger in Lawton at my apartments.

Never once did he ask why I left nor asked me to come back to work. This is how I knew he was connected without a doubt to the V2K. I even made him come pick up his vehicle from my apartment without by not speaking to him.

I will never forget when a man tries to make me think I'm helping a CIA agent then feeds me to the M.O.B. claiming to thunder up.

I am a Marine and these are gang moves because they are too sloppy to be official but must have connections to the local authorities.

Mar 21, 2020, these perps were now taking shifts keeping me awake and where mostly moving at 4:00 a.m. There was a lot of cars coming and going mostly red cars from the apartments upstairs.

Mar 26, 2020, ==== maintenance on myxx equipment ====

Apr 10, 2020, ==== Easter show church okc ==== @ myxx fuck covid

I now recall the V2k telling me that they were going to give me a medal then change their minds and say they were going to give me a box. They made this reference many times and it wasn't until I did a gig with Knowle Elliot from Myxx where we drove to the pan handle of Oklahoma and performed a makeshift wedding with a video wall on a flatbed trailer that the threat made since.

There was no reason to do this event for 12 people and there was a tractor there for digging. V2k was strong during this event, and I was now being forced to do labor and a victim of Human Trafficking with fear of my life. This was their Intent. This is how Illuminati get their power.

This is when I knew Knowle and His wife Pam were connected to the V2k, and I remained quiet on social media about the attacks for a while.

During this time, we did a graduation event in okc for some "organization" and another high school graduation in ADA as the covid had restrictions on indoor gatherings.

I cut ties with him after this job, and he has not reached out to me about gigs so I can conclude my assumptions are correct. I can further say that these Death ships of covid are effects of these fish finders and High levels of RF energy within the living areas. This is what enables remote viewing and allows for credit card and identity theft.

Knowle and Pam were always on cruises. The whole purpose of Remote Viewing is identity theft and credit card information. They also watch the obituaries for personal materials when a person dies.

Apr 12, 2020, I had bought a used Mazda with pandemic funds

Apr 28, 2020, I posted things getting weird and I need neighborhood watch

May 12, 2020, I became verbal about the threats on Facebook

May 13, 2020, I took my daughter fishing medicine park

I asked my daughter to tell me if she had any Pains and let me know if anything happened out of the ordinary. She had complained once about headaches and problems connecting to the internet.

I had already explained that I was hearing the people upstairs that were using the electronics and did my best to keep her in the bedroom while they targeted me with sonar. I can only assume they have tracked her also as one day she the same knee pain as myself and told me without asking. The knee pain comes from them making you turn over in your sleep so they can have line of sight to another portion of your body.

May 26, 2020, I decided to try and test the range of V2k by driving to Muskogee which did not help.

Jul. 6, 2020 I started noticing upstairs people with 10 duffle bags and now new this was a Trap house owned by a crooked judge and not CIA or DEA attacks.

Reminded now of Kent Simpsons connection to Methamphetamine manufacturing in Walters and the gaslighting from those individuals means this must be the reason for the attack. Maybe it went all the way back to turning Krista Simons into DHS.

Jul 7, 2020, the attacks from upstairs are now getting so strong that I had to use shielding and Styrofoam to reflect or absorb it.

Jul 10,2020 I now started to call their bluff as I knew they were not on official duty.

Jul. 11, 2020, Randy Gloria inbox DEA

He was the first of many gaslighting on social media and his brother was busted selling a firearm to an undercover policeman.

I believe they are both from Altus Ok.

As it turns out Rashad Young was also on a ten year note and this is when I came to the assumption, they all were rats working for the department.

Jul 11, 2020, after 4 months of gang stalking with V2K from upstairs I started recording the trap house activity and recommended not to post on my Facebook but to only watch.

This triggered responses from those involved that just could not resist from posting comments such as these are known as Gaslighting a form of co-intel to discredit the accuser. These users are moderators on Lawton Grapevine Fb group.

Jul. 12, 2020, I Posted about V2k and if you start hearing voices LMK

Jul. 16, 2020, there was a suicide??

With all the threats and V2K telling me to kill myself from the above apartment and a death across the parking lot I began my investigation of everyone that lived here in my building.

I began keeping pictures of traffic going into the apartment with my security camera.

Jul. 17, 2020, slow week only 6 duffle bags upstairs

On Jul. 28, 2020, threats on daughters were made after this guy shows up - HIJ-530 tag

This is when I began logging all the vehicles. I was no longer amused and felt these threats were all from gang members pretending to be police.

The truth is they are "spy kids" they all have members in their family in the departments somewhere in Oklahoma.

Aug. 4, 2020, Posting looking for lawyers and visited 3 lawyers in Lawton with V2k present at each supposed private council again violation of privacy.

Aug. 17, 2020, first started posting ultrasound pics this is a dump of many records with signatures, addresses, and lengths with times and dates.

Aug. 20, 2020, looking for ride to okc to get newer car

Aug 25, 2020, I purchased a BMW with funds from covid

Aug. 25, 2020, getting busy 8 duffle bags upstairs

Aug. 25, 2020, getting school papers together for pres

Sep 2, 2020, took daughter fishing medicine park

Sep 2, 2020, who this new crew upstairs photos

I can safely say there is a connection to the following establishments:

Restaurants on Paseo / Texas De Brazil at Penn Square mall / Hacienda Tacos in midtown / Kamps Bar and Grill. Dusty Phillips is engaged in credit card theft, and I would assume all these locations to be targets for collection of information.

As far as the bars in okc, I would assume Powerhouse Bar / Senior Shots / Ponderosa / 3434 Portland / OKC Farmers Market to all be MOB ties that are interconnected with the Oklahoma police department and Subsonix/ Wakkan/ Rare Diamond recording labels.

This is where the power comes from some say its illuminati, I just call it corruption in the department and a form of human trafficking.

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