It's only been a couple days since I called DHS and I get a phone call from Child services that they have my daughter in Walters. December 8, 2014, I look at my phone and its 10:00pm so I tell them I'm on my way to Walters.
Well, I have a suspended driver's license from a Glitch... let me explain. I had gone to Farmers insurance and switched to a subsidiary known as Bristol West to save money as suggested by my agent Billy. This was like 60 days ago and somehow the computer automatically revoked my license for no insurance even though I had an active policy. I was awaiting court to prove my case with the agent. I had asked my girlfriend Liz to drive, and we could pick her up and she made a big deal about not being able to see at night even though she had contacts. It's very odd that one she refused to drive saying she can't see, and two my license was suspended on a glitch on the same weekend.
I was furious and didn't understand the situation she was already in. Knowing what I know now she was already under attack by the Remote Neural Monitoring, and they were hitting her in the head causing her vision to blur while refusing to tell me about the V2k known as voice to skull.
She was having back spasms and doing her bullshit with the family and tweaker brothers Mike and John Holmes so I said just screw it I will drive, and you have a license if we must switch, I'm sure they will understand.
Well guess what I get pulled over just outside of town for doing 5mph over the speed limit, I tried to explain I was meeting child services and the highway patrolman said at Krista's house? and that's when I knew something was up and they hauled me in. They wouldn't let me switch with Liz as I asked.
So now I'm in Walters County jail ran by sheriff Kenneth Stradley and so is Krista Simon the mother while DHS takes my child into custody. I find out that they did a welfare check and Krista's son allowed them in the house where she was found unconscious with a syringe in her arm. I was held a few days and released on bond. People were now targeting Liz at this point with a fish finder.
To sum this up Krista was a Rat selling fake drugs aka "poison" to the city of Walters... obviously she had a PASS by the police department. The poison is something that attacks the central nervous system and builds up over time... this doesn't leave your system and only makes the Direct Energy Weapons stronger on the victims often called targets. This empowers the Perpetrators using the fish finders often making the targets seem to be high or just crazy and leads to discrediting what they say or failing sobriety tests. This is human trafficking via pain and known as no touch torture. These stalkers vibrated 4 fillings out of my mouth in one night during such an attack I will describe later.
This is a small town and without organized crime they would dry up of funds as most farm towns do. This is not a conspiracy it's just the simple truth. There isn't enough income to support the city infrastructure. They are known as the BLUE DEVILS more on this later.
This is when I put 2 and 2 together Liz's family was doing the same thing in Lawton as Krista was in Walters. Later I found the movie with Keau Reeves called "Darkly Scanners", and this is exactly what they do, use one target to entrap another target. This is how the city eats keeping things compartmentalized and untraceable using fish finders for what's known as V2K or Voice to Skull technology. This is simply a pirate radio broadcast using GNSS satellites. The fish finder devices use TTL 5v pulses and the V2k uses the full analog bandwidth of the fish finder telemetry system.
Once you are marked with the fish finder you can set closed eye and see people while the details shift from one target to another. This is known as Remote Viewing and is illustrated by the "camouflage" spoken about in "Darkly Scanners". This wireless bridge created by sound is known as Remote Neural Monitoring that places brain pathways on top of one another if you are skilled. Additional energy can be added to the room, and this is stored in the device or laptop as a snapshot that can be mapped.
This was the color I was looking to describe. This made and all the Hollywood movies click, and the fish finder was the thing that connects selected the targets known as waypoints. This is where Illuminati, the MOB, and CIA derive their power from, and I will dive into this more later.
I'm not one to call the police or rat people out but when the family calls me and tells me there's a problem and I should come get my daughter something has to be done and you can't just go take them. I do not regret what I did for my family.
In retrospect I think this was a ploy to get kidnapping charges as maybe they expected me to just take her because her arrest led investigators to Sherrif Stradley's Son. Kenneth Stradley is the sheriff of Walters, and Lawton.
I started supervised visitations on December 23, 2014 and lasts a year to gain custody. Luckily, I was a Cherokee Tribal Member because they were dead set on taking my little one.
I was promoted to the other Advance Auto parts in Lawton where Randy Hayle was manager, this turned out to be Kim's Father. Now I'm dating a Rat and working for her Ex-boyfriend's new girlfriends' father.
I mean how more twisted can it get besides Liz's parents John and Laurie Holmes, and Randy Hayle live on the same street and obviously have known each other a long time. So now I'm thinking there's something to this six-O thing they got going.
Here I am a year of paying fines, supervised visits and living with Liz's sketchy family dealing poison. When trying to get your child a solid home atmosphere is required so I wasn't making any waves. Heck maybe they are C.I.A. I mean John Holmes works with the military and has secret clearance. I was told he delt with dead service members coming back from overseas, and Laurie was doing uniform alterations for the police department or Ft. Sill, so I figured I'm on the right side of it. Not like I'm doing anything wrong except trying to do concerts which makes since in a way that they would want to be in the mix.
The fact that Liz's children were under the legal care of her mom was a concern but not limiting factor. I hadn't known the reason for this but had asked once and was told she had put one father in jail for assault and I let it alone. Like I said no waves. When dealing with these people questions are not always the best.
Allot of this is boring background information and you may try to dismiss as coincidence, but I will paint you a masterpiece in order to prove my case against a program designed to make you look bad, discredit you and deprive you of the ability to support yourself.
It is important to show your side. This is a long game much like genocide designed with different angles to push a person into homelessness, despair, and crime while forcing your children into state custody so they can use the fish finder on a child that they can control and get more money if they have a disability. These are not people and I quote "we are just bodies" to them said by Dusty Phillips.
I was at Advance Auto Parts for some time and had a few promotions now a manager for commercial sales when I finally got custody of my daughter.
I will never forget that day after a year of supervised visits and the dealings with DHS just to get my daughter. Still nothing seemed out of the ordinary except a crooked sheriff's department mad that their rat had to go to rehab.
Things were looking up career, custody, etc. I was even getting Liz to stop slinging the poison her family was doing. It Seems like allot of users are in Lawton and I know. They are as thick as thieves. Hell, I even got Liz to stop smoking.
I now was able to focus back on the dream of B52productions and in order to sell tickets you need pretty faces... I knew this and this is why I spent my years in the club all with a focus. Find the pretty people to sell the tickets, open a studio to find that talent and own your own equipment these were the keys in the music business.
I still had all the equipment that took 10 years to acquire... designing and building my own speaker enclosures was not easy but you have to invest here and save there. As a Dj I was known as "D_Real " and had years of experience but there isn't any money in the DJ business except major labels and steady weddings.
On Jun 8, 2015, I came home for lunch and the dryer was sold off? I was lost we have 3 children in the house I was like WTF and suspected she was using the poison now. In mid-June and I'm hit with a tax Lien and I'm not saying it wasn't warranted because I did owe money from when I was married but paying child support made things difficult already. This is when things started to escalate with Liz, and she was becoming hostile.
I was approached by Nathan Poindexter Jun 15, 2015, who ran Vibe Tribe. Apparently, he was from Lawton and was Familiar with Oklahoma City scene which I wasn't a part of except back in the 90s when it was Huge.
On June 24 I was arrested for a failure to pay on the suspended license but with one child support payment going to Florida, and a tax levy taking the rest I was unable to pay.
While setting in jail I decided to go into the b52productions full on. Planning to rent lasers, sound, and lights that I had already it's not like I can afford to go to work if they take all of it. The question is, was that my idea or was that a suggestive via electronics while in Walter's jail. I had spoken to a few people in Walters jail that were interested in doing house parties in Lawton and even mentioned they had a bus. You will understand later.
I was only needing a tax attorney; to dismiss lien for financial hardship and I would be all set, so I hired one and they submitted back taxes with a payment plan and his name was Ken Harris I believe.
December 2, 2015, Things were getting out of hand, and she would block the exit to prevent me leaving when she began to argue. I am always one to just leave because I know how that always ends... and its never good for the man. I figured she was using the poison her family was dealing and I started looking for plan B. This is when she pushes me while holding my daughter and we leave the residence.
The next day her mom Laurie Holmes started taking an interest in me and files a protective order. In retrospect I totally understand the honeytrap and what was coming. These people were trying to establish a parental connection to my daughter and get me out of the picture.
December 5, 2015, I moved in with a dancer Shelby Lane who I have known for years and began requesting our clothes and personal items from Liz.
On December 14, 2015, Randy Hayle helped me recover some items. This had been 10 days without clothes in winter while working full time with my daughter. I didn't have a lot of money and being forced out with protective order I had no choice but plan B.
Now I started to think back about the weird things. Keeping a lock of hair is one thing but saving my toothbrush in a Ziplock bag is another and I started to wonder... Who does that? These where things Liz was doing with a smile.
The only thing I see her family do is a garage sale twice a year and spend time at the boat house or camper out at the lake. All of her kids have section 8 housing that goes to her mom because she rents her own children houses for years and allows section 8 to write the checks. I'm now sure section 8 is part of the program. I mean It's legal, I guess, and I know they are using the fish finders at these secluded locations without interruptions.
On December 17, the protective order was withdrawn and dismissed and on December 19, I was "promoted" back to the original store where I was now assistant manager... I thought awesome more money and maybe some stability.
WRONG... December 27, 2015, Randy Hayle's "son" Brandon steals my truck, and I know this because I went to Brandons house a week later by chance helping him with a motor issue while speaking with Liz to gather effects and this idiot pulls out a multimeter with my name on it written in sharpie. This tool was in my truck when it was stolen. I attempted to contact the local police about my filed report, but nobody ever got back to me. I now understood that there are "sons" and "daughters" that people own and not exactly family. Usually, a daughter's baby daddy or likes.
A few days later me and my daughter celebrate Christmas and her birthday while I managed to walk into work since it was like 14 blocks or so and Shelby would dance at night while I watched her and my daughter alike, in return I would workdays and she would watch the girls.
January 15, 2016, Jimmy Carswell comes to visit with an idea for a Dj party next month and I have the equipment, so this is a go, and I ordered the lasers.
This arrangement with Shelby only worked a couple of weeks as in mid-January I was forced to walk into work with my daughter who sat in an office for 8 hours, then the next day the same thing happened.
On the third day messaged my manager Tammy reporting that I needed the day off and I could not open the store in order to make arrangements for family issues.
Well, when she was forced to open the store, I was fired for not being there. I began to look at this situation... working for this company being promoted 3 times and now being let go for one violation and considering the circumstances it seemed fishy... Then I remembered Tammy's husband had recently undergone stitches on the top of his head and her reply is he slipped on the ice. But me being a smart guy understood that his job included a badge and people don't fall on the top of their head.
Years later I find out through this "ROOM" of voices he was using a heat lamp in conjunction with fish finders and RF energy which most likely caused a tumor that needed removed. Nothing I can actually prove unless one was to have access to his employment and medical records, but the room talks.
The day after I was fired, I signed for another vehicle and took my daughter to Muskogee to visit, thinking maybe we could stay with her until I found another source of income. I tried to apply for supplemental benefits known as Food stamps and then they notified Kristie my DHS supervisor, and she said my year of supervision was not quite over yet by a month or so and I would need to immediately bring her back to Lawton So of course I did.
I looked for employment opportunities and got the lasers on credit just before I was basically forced to move from Shelby's because lack of rent money. This only left one option.... Back to Liz at least until the visits were finished.